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On 2 and 3 July 2022, we were delighted to bring one of our state of the art Abellio operated Alexander Dennis ADL/BYD Enviro 400 buses to the London Transport Museum’s Depot Open Days: ‘Act-On It!’. These are fully electric buses that have only come into service in 2022. It was a privilege to see the next generation of London’s bus transport sitting alongside iconic and innovative historic vehicles. We’re honoured to be part of London’s transport story.

An Abellio ADL/BYD Enviro bus (side view) at the Museum Depot in Acton

We’re incredibly proud of being a leader in operating electric buses and actively contributing to creating cleaner and greener streets in London. Getting more electric buses on London’s bus routes is definitely one of our goals, so it was very interesting to hear what everyone thinks of them!

An Abellio ADL/BYD Enviro bus (front view) at the Museum Depot in Acton

Visitors had time to really explore the bus, which meant there were a few surprises and lots of questions. Some people were shocked by how long the ADL/BYD Enviro 400 electric bus is, especially compared to older London buses. With four tons of batteries required to run the bus, we’ve had to make it longer to fit them all in. Another element that many visitors noticed was the fact that these buses don’t have wing mirrors at all; they have cameras instead, all of which can be controlled and easily seen by the driver.

One of the questions that was most asked was, how heavy is the bus? It is 13 tons in total, and because it is heavier than our other buses we have had to work with Alexander Dennis to redesign various elements, including the wheels!

An Abellio member of staff talking to two adults standing in front on an Abellio bus

We were pleased that many of the visitors on the day asked us about accessibility, and supporting people to travel by bus. The ADL/BYD Enviro 400 has an access ramp and some new design features including brightly coloured priority seats, a bigger wheelchair and buggy area, and bigger, full-colour digital screens within the bus designed to make it easier to see travel information.

Thank you to everyone who explored our electric bus and shared questions and thoughts with us at the July Depot Open Days. It was great to hear that so many Londoners are excited about travelling on electric buses and being part of the capital’s journey toward net zero.

Two members of Abellio staff standing in the front passenger doors of an Abellio ADL/BYD Enviro bus

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